General application of collective agreements ("allmenngjøring")
The general application of collective agreements (allmenngjøring) entails that parts of a collective agreement apply to everyone who conducts work of a type that is within the scope of the agreement in question. This means that it is illegal to pay workers below the minimum wage rates in these agreements.
Six of Fellesforbundet's collective agreements are partly made generally applicable:
- Construction
- The maritime construction industry
- Agriculture and horticulture
- Freight transport by road
- Passenger transport by tour bus
- Hotel, restaurant and catering
You will find information at the Labour Inspection Authority's website (Arbeidstilsynet) on the minimum wage rates and other binding provisons in in these sectors.
Be aware that all rates will be increased from 1 July 2021.
If the employer fails to pay wages or pays less wages than prescirbed, you must contact your trade union representative and/or your employer to claim your wage.
The Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet) will inspect that employers comply with the general application regulations’ provisions on minimum wage. If the rules are breached, the Labour Inspection Authority can issue orders, daily fines, stop work, or report the matter to the police.
Members of Fellesforbundet will receive help from their union to demand the minimum wage you are entitled to. The more who become organised, the more can demand an ordinary collective agreement in the company. The collective agreements give employees far more supplements and rights than the general application regulations, including:
- Higher wages for many groups of workers
- Wage supplements for evening, weekend and night work
- Higher overtime supplements
- Additional holiday and holiday pay
- Contractual pension (AFP)
- Two weeks of paid paternity leave in connection with birth